2. The population of South Africa

All graphs below open in an entirely new browser window in order to facilitate easier navigation and on-screen comparisons of Census '96 data.
2.1 Population of South Africa by province
2.2 Population of South Africa by provinces and gender
2.3 Urban and non-urban population by province (numbers)
2.4 Urban and non-urban population by province (percentages)
2.5 Population group by province (numbers)
2.6 Population group by province (percentages)
2.7 Home language by province (numbers)
2.8 Home language by province (percentages)*
2.9 Home language by population group (numbers)
2.10 Home language by population group (percentages)*
2.11 Home language across provinces (percentages)
2.12 Country of birth by province*
2.13 Country of birth by population group*
2.14 Citizenship by province
2.15 Citizenship by population group
2.16 Age distribution in five-year intervals by province: Total
2.17 Age distribution in five-year intervals by province: Male
2.18 Age distribution in five-year intervals by province: Female
2.19 Age distribution in five-year intervals by population group: Total
2.20 Age distribution in five-year intervals by population group: Male
2.21 Age distribution in five-year intervals by population group: Female
2.22 Disabled population by type and province*
2.23 Disabled population by type, gender and population group*
2.24 Level of education amongst those aged 20 years or more by province (numbers)*
2.25 Level of education amongst aged 20 years or more by province (percentages)*
2.26 Level of education by gender and population group amongst those aged 20 years or more by province (numbers)*
2.27 Attendance at educational institution by province amongst those aged 5 - 24 years*
2.28 Attendance at educational institution by population group amongst those aged 5 - 24 years*
2.29 Economically active population by province amongst those aged 15 - 65 years*
2.30 Economically active population by population group amongst those aged 15 - 65 years*
2.31 Occupation by province amongst the employed aged 15 - 65 years*
2.32 Occupation by population group amongst the employed aged 15 - 65 years: Male*
2.33 Occupation by population group amongst the employed aged 15 - 65 years: Female*
2.34 Occupation by population group amongst the employed aged 15 - 65 years: Total*
2.35 Economic sector amongst the employed aged 15 - 65 years by province*
2.36 Individual monthly income amongst the employed by province, aged 15 - 65 years*
2.37 Individual monthly income amongst the employed by population group, aged 15 - 65 years*

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