3. Households of South Africa

All graphs below open in an entirely new browser window in order to facilitate easier navigation and on-screen comparisons of Census '96 data.
3.1 Type of dwelling by province*
3.2 Type of dwelling by population group of head of household*
3.3 Household size by population group of head of household*
3.4 Number of rooms by province, with specified number of rooms*
3.5 Number of rooms by population group of head of household with specific number of rooms*
3.6 Energy source for cooking, heating and lighting by province*
3.7 Energy source for cooking, heating and lighting by population group of head of household*
3.8 Main water supply by province*
3.9 Main water supply by population group of head of household*
3.10 Telephone facilities by province*
3.11 Telephone facilities by population group of head of household*
3.12 Toilet facilities by province*
3.13 Toilet facilities by population group of head of household*
3.14 Refuse removal by province*
3.15 Refuse removal by population group of head of household*

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