Census 2001 at a glance
In October 2001, South Africans were counted for the second time as citizens of a democracy. Over 83 000 enumerators and over 17 000 supervisors and fieldwork co-ordinators were employed to collect information on persons and households throughout the country, using a uniform methodology. Census night, or the night of the count, was 9-10 October 2001.

Population by province for the census years 1996 and 2001:
Province 1996 2001
Eastern Cape 6 302 525 6 436 763
Free State 2 633 504 2 706 775
Gauteng 7 348 423 8 837 178
KwaZulu-Natal 8 417 021 9 426 017
Limpopo 4 929 368 5 273 642
Mpumalanga 2 800 711 3 122 990
Northern Cape 840 321 822 727
Nort West 3 354 825 3 669 349
Western Cape 3 956 875 4 524 335
South Africa 40 583 573 44 819 778
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