Interactive & electronic products
Digital Census Atlas:
Maps displaying the demographic characteristics of South Africa and the different provinces and municipalities.
Click here to access this product

Interactive tables (PX-Web):
Compile tables on a provincial, district council or municipality level according to your own specifications.
Demarcation boundaries as at 10 October 2001:
Person statistics: Provincial level
Person statistics: District Council level
Person statistics: Municipality level
Household statistics: Provincial level
Household statistics: District Council level
Household statistics: Municipality level
NEW Demarcation boundaries as at 9 December 2005:
Person statistics: Provincial level
Person statistics: District Council level
Person statistics: Municipality level
Household statistics: Provincial level
Household statistics: District Council level
Household statistics: Municipality level
Download the PX-WEB training manual if you need help using this product

Ward Profiles 2003:
Census findings for all electoral wards, designed to give you - the parliamentarian - more information about the wards you represent.
Click here to access this product

Other electronic products available on request:
Small Area Statistics
Community Profile Databases
10% sample