Key Municipal Data
This publication presents key census findings for each metropolitan, district and local municipality. It consists of one page per municipality, with tables showing information for selected person and household variables. The book is ring bound to facilitate the photocopying of individual pages, and is designed principally for those without access to electronic census products such as PX-WEB.

Presently available in hardcopy only from Stats SA's Distribution section at:

Tel: (012) 310-8251 or (012) 310-8044
Fax: (012) 321-7381

Reference copies can be found in provincial and legal deposit libraries.


Person Variables:
Population group by sex, age groups, present school attendance, highest level of education, labour market data and the mode of transport to travel to school or work

Household Variables:
Population group and sex of head of household, monthly imputed household income, type of housing unit, tenure status, access to water, access to electricity, toilet facilities and refuse removal