Mpumalanga With a population of 2,8 million people, Mpumalanga is among the smallest provinces in the country, population-wise, the Census96 figures have revealed. Of these, around 1,4 million are male and 1,4 million female. These census figures represent the population of South Africa as on the night of 9 to 10 October 1996. The results of the latest census count conducted nationwide in 1996, were released by President Nelson Mandela and Finance Minister Trevor Manuel in Pretoria today. The figures show that at least 68% of the provinces population live in urban areas, while around 32% live in non-urban areas. South Africa as a whole boasts a population of forty-and-a-half million people. Of these, 39,1% live in urban areas. The population distribution by groups in Mpumalanga consist of around 89% African/Black people, 0,7% Coloured people, 0,5% Indian/Asian people and 9% White people. 0,6% did not state their population group. This is a large number. If all people in South Africa took hands, they would circle the earth once and a bit. Among people aged 20 years and above, more than 28% have had no schooling at all, whilst more than 14% have had some primary education. Only 4,8% of the province's people have tertiary qualifications. 14% have a matric, almost 28% have had some secondary education and around 7% have completed their primary education. 3,5% of Mpumalanga Province's people have sight disabilities, 1,1% have hearing disabilities, 1,5% have physical disabilities, 0,4% have mental disabilities and 0,3% suffer from more than one disability. Water is available to more than 36% of the province's population in the form of water piped to their dwelling. The next reliable source of water supply is piped water on site or in yards, which is available to more than 25% of the population. An equally utilised source of water supply, is the public tap, used by at least 20% of the province's population. Less used sources are water-carriers/tankers (3,5%), boreholes/rainwater tanks/wells (6,5%) and dams/rivers/streams/springs (5,6%). |